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The Ionian Island of Zakynthos represents undoubtedly the most beautiful and exotic yacht charter destination of the Greek Islands. Embodying the unspoilt coastline and wild nature as well as the modern indulgence of its lively cosmopolitan towns, Zakynthos offers you a perfect blend for your luxury charter vacation. You can experience the idyllic beauty of the Ionian Sea with emerald turquoise crystalline waters and lush green nature ashore, from the worldwide known Shipwreck Cove “Navagio” Beach to secluded coves and bays ideal for snorkelling and exploration on your private yacht charter voyage.
Find out why Zakynthos is worldwide beloved due to its glorified beauty! As the southernmost island of the idyllic Ionian Sea complex, Zakynthos is characterised by its lush green wild landscape, beautiful hilltop countryside and turquoise water fine sandy beaches.
The Island landscape is divided into three unique parts. Its northwestern area is overwhelmed in barren mountain peaks whereas its heart is covered in verdant green nature, blossoming flora. As the Venetians named it, it is the “Fioro di Levante”, the Flower of the East. Throughout the island we can notice the impact of the historical Venetian occupation, mostly evident in Zakynthos distinctive architecture. The coastal capital is renowned for its Byzantine buildings, museums and traditional Squares as the Solomos Piazza. The Islands name derives from Italian as well, known as Zante.
Moving to the southern area we can observe the Mediterranean atmosphere of the island, embellished with luxury resorts and extensive white sandy beaches, surrounded by the Emerald Blue Ionian Sea. Some of the most famous seaside towns such as the picturesque city of Yerakas are only accessible by water, making it a perfect yacht retreat. You can cruise further to the Vasilikos peninsula, hosting beautiful countryside, secluded coves and beaches.
The impressive nature and marine life makes Zakynthos the ultimate spot for snorkelling and diving activities and ideal for charter yachts with many hidden bays to explore. One of the most popular beaches of the island is the scenic “Navagio” beach, the Shipwreck cove.
It belongs to the trademark of the island with the ice-white sand, impossibly turquoise waters secluded by towering limestone cliff edges. The beach acquired its name from the Shipwreck that is stranded ashore and adds up to the top photographed places worldwide.
Some of Zakynthos’ beaches such as the protected area of Laganas Bay, host the endangered Caretta-caretta sea turtles through their egg laying every spring and summer period.
In case you are lucky enough to experience hatchlings taking their first tentative swim into the sea, you should by no means disturb them!
Conclusively, Zakynthos offers you an eclectic experience of combining beautiful nature and cosmopolitan indulgence, the island undoubtedly invites you to the perfect setting for a private luxury yacht charter adventure.
214-216 Syngrou Avenue
17672 – Athens – Greece
Phone : + 30 216 2020025
Email : info@greeceyachtscharters.com