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Not to be confused with the village of the same name on Lefkas, Sivota is a small, picturesque and unspoiled waterfront village in a coastline of outstanding natural beauty a little to the north of Parga, facing the toe of Corfu. It retains all the charm of its fishing heritage with life centred around the harbour and quayside with its plethora of shops and restaurants – as you might expect, fish and seafood are local specialities.
The mooring here is well sheltered by two offshore islands which guard the main channel. It makes for a safe haven and also has lovely sunset views out to sea. It’s still relatively undiscovered by the island-hopping crowds, making for a tranquil vibe. There are some nice beaches and very blue waters but other than chilling out there’s not a lot to do here – which can be a virtue or not depending on your point of view. But it’s just a really lovely place to visit.
Our recommendation: if sailing, at least come here for lunch if not a night, the views as you come through the channel towards the waterfront are stunning. If staying a while bring a few good books – or better still a sketch pad and paints to try and capture the majesty of the surroundings.
214-216 Syngrou Avenue
17672 – Athens – Greece
Phone : + 30 216 2020025
Email : info@greeceyachtscharters.com