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Only just an island, Poros is separated from the mainland of the Peloponnese by a 200m stretch of water a mere 58km from Athens – there’s a fast hydrofoil service which does the journey in an hour. As such it gets quite busy at the weekends as a getaway place for trendy Athenians. Midweek it’s rather more sleepy and traditional.
In fact you have two choices if you come here. On one side of the channel Poros town has a lively waterfront and the island itself has some picturesque villages and some beautiful sandy coves and tiny beaches set against lush vegetation, accessible by bus or little ferries from the port. Most are quite organised and set up for visitors although you can find more secluded ones if you want to escape with a picnic.
Alternatively you can stay on the mainland at Galatas which is more rustic than its island sister. You’ll find a great selection of bars and restaurants, most with nice views across to Poros island. There are several small beaches along the nearby coastline accessible by bus, taxi or water-taxi. But generally tourism here is not as well developed.
The great thing is that you can enjoy the best of both worlds as any number of small taxi boats cross between island and mainland 24 hours a day. It’s no more difficult than crossing a river – the good news is that nobody has built a bridge yet which would rather spoil the stunning vista.
Our recommendation: small offshore islands almost within touching distance of the mainland always have appeal and Poros is no exception. It’s totally charming and if you’re island hopping you really should stop off for an overnight and a swim. If on a road trip, Poros is a brilliant place to break your journey around the Peloponnese.
214-216 Syngrou Avenue
17672 – Athens – Greece
Phone : + 30 216 2020025
Email : info@greeceyachtscharters.com