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Hire O’mega Superyacht for small groups! She is one of the few yachts that allows for groups of up to 30 guests to cruise in an extremely grand style. She prevails amongst the most acclaimed and luxurious yachts worldwide, combining 270 feet of finest exterior and interior design luxury. Omega stands opulent with her immaculate lines adorned with effortless finesse and styling, beautiful furnishing, infinite space and unrivalled comfort. The interior impresses with her sophisticated and extraordinarily opulent communal areas adorned with original paintings and well appointed guest cabins.
Her impressive on deck jacuzzi, multiple recreational amenities throughout and highly professional crew of 28 will offer her guests a cruise of a lifetime.
214-216 Syngrou Avenue
17672 – Athens – Greece
Phone : + 30 216 2020025
Email : info@greeceyachtscharters.com