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In terms of tourism Kimolos is ‘authentic’. Which is really a marketing man’s way saying ‘undeveloped’. Let’s be honest, there is not a lot to do on Kimolos other than kick back, chill out and relax – but what’s not to like about that?
Just to give you an idea of just how little goes on here, Kimolos is the administrative centre for three other nearby islands – Poliegos, Agios Efstathios and Agios Georgios, all of which are uninhabited except by goats
Essentially a 36Km² volcanic rock, Kimolos lies 1km to the north of Milos – so if you want a hectic day out and live life in the (semi) fast lane you can take the ferry from the small harbour at Psathi round to Adamantas.
Kimolos itself has only one town, Chorio, which is a true Cycladic delight and a travel photographer’s dream. There are nice hotels and tavernas and during the summer season people gather here in the evening and create a really nice laid-back vibe. The craggy coastline has some very lovely beaches for a lazy day out.
Our recommendation: there may not be much going on here but what you’ll find is all really rather idyllic. If you’re really after a totally tranquil time for a day or two (or month) it’s well worth a visit
214-216 Syngrou Avenue
17672 – Athens – Greece
Phone : + 30 216 2020025
Email : info@greeceyachtscharters.com