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The Chronos MEGA sailing yacht combines 179 feet of classic beauty, full sailing equipment, safety and high-performance engines. Chronos welcomes her guests with a unique onboard experience linking modern with classic, characterized by sublime design.
As one of the 60 largest as well as fastest sailing yachts worldwide, maintaining the highest safety standards, Chronos can accommodate up to 23 passengers in 13 sleek design cabins. With an experienced crew of 8 Chronos invites you to enjoy a most memorable sailing atmosphere al mare.
Teak and Mahogany adorn the outline of the deck, whereas the ample deck with sunbathing area and saloon below provide with sitting capacity for all passengers to relax and dine comfortably in both areas. The deckhouse possesses a steering stand and a bar, while an admiralty ladder allows for swimming off the vessel as well as water sports (weather permitting).
214-216 Syngrou Avenue
17672 – Athens – Greece
Phone : + 30 216 2020025
Email : info@greeceyachtscharters.com